Sunday, November 18, 2012

Expert Tailor

In order to be considered in the company you must have at least 1 year previous experience in garment technology working on ladies woven garments. string stop store sting stitch stink stick strap strengthen stir strike stimulate stride steal steer start stay step squeal stamp stand stare squeak sprout squash squeeze stain spring spread spray spot spoil specify spill spell spend spit spin split speak spark sound sow sort soothe soothsay solve snore snow soak spare sparkle sniff concern concentrate conceptualize compile complete complain conceive compose compute communicate compare compete conclude conduct confess confuse connect confront decorate decide deceive deliver delight demonstrate damage dam dance depend desert describe delay define delegate decay dare deal consist consider conserve consolidate consult construct correlate copy correct contract contain continue convert control coordinate destroy deserve design direct dig disagree devise diagnose develop disappear disapprove disarm detect detail determine clap chop claim choke chew choose comb come command clothe close coach coil collect color clear clip cling clarify classify clean curve cycle cut crash crack cover cost understand tremble cough count counsel critique crush cross creep create crawl curl cure cry

1 comment:

  1. very good written article it will be a good support to anyone who utilizes it including me keep doing what you're doing can't wait to read more post very nice article 아바타배팅
